Tool for converting a DPF into a XML file + resources (BMP/PNG/files/WAV/OGG/MOD…) and the reverse way, get a XML + resources for creating a DPF.
This XML is called MegaStorm Interchange XML v1.0 format (MIXv1).
A XML Scheme is included for format validation of a modified XML in case of problems when converting it to a DPF.
- MIXv1 file is used for importing a DPF into newer CRM64Pro CDC format.
- Useful for batch operations on the DPF resources: resizing all images or applying any filter, modify the names of some resources, etc.
- Supports all CRM32Pro resources:
- images
- tiles
- fonts
- sprites
- sounds
- musics
- buttons
- packed files
- Developed in C++ using CRM32Pro SDK.
Last version: v ()
ChangeLog | Roadmap | zlib license
- Binaries
- 32bits binaries for supported operating systems.
- Source code
- Closed source code.
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