Category: Game development

CRM64Pro Beta and DPF2XML updated

A minor revision of CRM64Pro GDK with some improvements is available for downloading. As it is a beta version, only Windows 64 bits DLL version is provided. DPF2XML is also greatly improved and now is able to export/import all DPF resources to a XML file (MegaStorm Interchange XML v1.0 format or MIXv1). This MIXv1 file can…

CRM64Pro v0.94 (Beta) released

And finally, the day of a beta release arrived. As of now, only two versions are released, one for Windows 32bits and the other one for Windows 64bits. Both using Visual Studio 2015 and DLLs. In addition, an almost-finished documentation is also available. The rest of the packages will come later on. You can find…

CRM64Pro current state

From time to time, I tend to forget the amount of work, all the invested hours and all the effort required for finishing any piece of code. Even a small game or application, if doing it right, will take a lot of hours, days and even weeks. Developing something like CRM64Pro is not a less…


Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde el ultimo post, lo bueno es que durante 2014 estuve avanzando bastante con la nueva libreria y lo malo es que en 2015 me he puesto hace unos dias. Si no hay inspiracion es mejor no ponerse ya que las cosas no saldran bien pero ahora que ha vuelto, a…

CRM32Pro SDK v5.00 ya esta disponible!!

Menos mal que lo he conseguido :). Acabo de actualizar la web, de subir los nuevos paquetes y versiones. Esta vez ha costado bastante, el hecho de soportar 3 plataformas y una doble(Win32 con Visual Studio y GNU GCC) multiplica por 4 el trabajo a realizar pero bueno, cierro un ciclo finalmente al poder terminar…