Development blog

CRM64Pro current state

From time to time, I tend to forget the amount of work, all the invested hours and all the effort required for finishing any piece of code. Even a small game or application, if doing it right, will take a lot of hours, days and even weeks. Developing something like CRM64Pro is not a less…

How to install Caffe on Mac OS X 10.11

Deep learning is a hot topic these days and it is greatly increased by the fact that AMD/nVidia video cards can be used for accelerating the training of very complex neural networks. In the meantime, some powerful frameworks have been developed by the community. One of the most known is Caffe which is specialized in…

YASM integration with Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013

YASM is a great assembly compiler, it supports a lot of instruction sets, assembler syntaxes, output formats, … so since Visual Studio started to use the compiler intrinsics for some versions, in my case, for x64 code, I switched to use YASM as I don’t want to mind about different syntaxes or weird and crazy…

SDL2, Direct3D11 renderer and Windows 7

SDL2 has some good renderers, specially for Windows OS: Direct3D (version 9), OpenGL, software and since a few months, Direct3D11 (version 11) was also added. The first three, have been extensively tested while developing CRM64Pro and some bugs were found, submitted and fixed so it is quite stable and ready for production games. Recently, I…


Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde el ultimo post, lo bueno es que durante 2014 estuve avanzando bastante con la nueva libreria y lo malo es que en 2015 me he puesto hace unos dias. Si no hay inspiracion es mejor no ponerse ya que las cosas no saldran bien pero ahora que ha vuelto, a…