CRM32Pro SDK  v5.22
Classes | Macros | Variables
MODULE 1: CRM32Pro main and generic functions (v2.54).

Detailed Description

This module contains main and generic functions:
Init() and Quit(): these are the main functions of the library. They replace to SDL_Init() and SDL_Quit.
SetVideoMode() uses Config struct to setup a video mode, it replaces SDL_SetVideoMode().
Update() is the main way to update all systems: graphics,events,timing,etc.It also replace SDL_Flip().
XML parser, CRC32 functions, true random number generation and get useful information.
Note that you always have to call to CRM32Pro.Init() to initialize the library and CRM32Pro.Quit() to close it.


class  CRM32Pro_Main
 CRM32Pro. More...


 Used with Config.VideoAccel to set hardware mode with smooth system (double-buffer and waiting vsync).
 Used with Config.VideoAccel to set hardware mode at full speed (single-buffer without waiting vsync).
#define ACCEL_SOFTWARE   1
 Used with Config.VideoAccel to set software mode with optimizations.
 Used with ConFeatures() method. Disables the fading effect when opening or closing the console.
 Used with ConFeatures() method. Disables the ~ key for displaying/hiding the console.
 Used with ConFeatures() method. Disables the console input so it will just display output messages.
#define CRM32PRO_BUTTON_LEFT   1
 Used with CRM32Pro.mouse_buttons or CRM32Pro.mouse_prevbuttons. It informs of a left button click.
 Used with CRM32Pro.mouse_buttons or CRM32Pro.mouse_prevbuttons. It informs of a middle button click.
 Used with CRM32Pro.mouse_buttons or CRM32Pro.mouse_prevbuttons. It informs of a right button click.
 When the event returned is EVENT_LOGICWAIT, if the event.user.code is equal to EVENT_CODE_RENDER sets that a Render frame occurred.
#define EVENT_LOGICWAIT   30
 Event type returned by CRM32Pro.Update() while it is waiting to fulfill the Logic Rate.
#define RENDER_DEFAULT   1
 Used with Config.VideoRender to use default backend. Default setting.
#define RENDER_DIRECTX   4
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use DirectX backend. Only for Win32. Deprecated.
#define RENDER_FBCON   16
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use Frame Buffer Console backend. Only for Linux. Deprecated.
#define RENDER_OPENGL   64
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use glSDL backend(OpenGL on 2D mode). For Win32/Win64, Linux and MacOSX.
#define RENDER_QUARTZ   128
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use Quartz backend. Only for MacOSX.
#define RENDER_WINDIB   2
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use Windib backend. Only for Win32/Win64.
#define RENDER_X11   8
 Used with Config.VideoRenderer to use X11 backend. Only for Linux/MacOSX.
 Used with RenderNeeded() method. Set the render engine to full redraw on each frame.
 Used with RenderNeeded() method. Set the render engine to draw on next frame update.
 Used with RenderNeeded() method. Set the render engine to avoid to draw on next frame update.


DllExport void *(* CRM32Pro_memcpy )(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)

Variable Documentation

DllExport void*(* CRM32Pro_memcpy)(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)

Optimized 'memcpy()' function for each platform: AMD(K5,K6,K7,K8) and Intel(Pentium MMX,Pentium II, Pentium III,Pentium 4,Pentium M)