CSprite supports all stuff related to manage and draw sprites:
- sprites with independent number of animations and frames
- animation features
- frame features
- easy to set a position
- auto animation
- special effects: flip,mirror,rotate and scale
- alpha per surface and colorkey
- alpha per pixel
We advice you to use EditorDPF to modify/add/delete sprites and its features.
- Created on 15 September 2001
- Last modified on 11 January 2012
#define | GetSpriteHighState(x) (x & ~0x00FF) |
| Macro to get the sprite animation high-state. See above SPRSTATE_xx.
#define | GetSpriteLowState(x) (x & ~0xFF00) |
| Macro to get the sprite animation low-state. Each high-state can have until 256 low-states defined by the user.
| To maintain current value. See SetAnimProperties() to further information.
#define | SPREFFECT_FLIP 1 |
| Sprite is rendered using flip effect.
#define | SPREFFECT_MIRROR 2 |
| Sprite is rendered using mirror effect.
#define | SPREFFECT_NONE 0 |
| Sprite is rendered without any special effect.
#define | SPREFFECT_RESIZE 3 |
| Sprite is rendered using resize effect.
#define | SPREFFECT_ROTATE 4 |
| Sprite is rendered using rotation effect.
| Sprite is rendered using rotation and resize effect.
#define | SPRSTATE_DOWN 0x2000 |
| Sprite animation high-state: down (00100000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_DOWNLEFT 0x0100 |
| Sprite animation high-state: down-left (00000001-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_DOWNRIGHT 0xC000 |
| Sprite animation high-state: down-right (11000000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_LEFT 0x1000 |
| Sprite animation high-state: left (00010000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_NORMAL 0x8000 |
| Sprite animation high-state: normal (10000000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_RIGHT 0x0800 |
| Sprite animation high-state: right (00001000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_UP 0x4000 |
| Sprite animation high-state: up (01000000-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_UPLEFT 0x0400 |
| Sprite animation high-state: up-left (00000100-00000000)
#define | SPRSTATE_UPRIGHT 0x0200 |
| Sprite animation high-state: up-right (00000010-00000000)
#define | SPRTYPE_LOOP 2 |
| Sprite animation type: loop.
#define | SPRTYPE_ONESHOT 8 |
| Sprite animation type: one shot.
#define | SPRTYPE_PINGPONG 4 |
| Sprite animation type: ping-pong.