CRM64Pro GDK v0.11.0
A free cross-platform game development kit built on top of SDL 3.0
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Screen Object class. More...

Inherits CRM64Pro::ObjectBase.

Public Member Functions

Sint32 info (Sint32 iMode=0)
 Request screen object information.
Sint32 getName (string &sName)
 Get the name.
Uint32 getID ()
 Get the ID.
Sint32 show ()
 Show the screen.
Sint32 hide ()
 Hide the screen.
Sint32 status ()
 Get the screen status.
Sint32 setIcon (SDL_Surface *suIcon)
 Set an icon.
Sint32 setDriver (eConfigRendererDriver eCRD)
 Set the renderer driver.
eConfigRendererDriver getDriver ()
 Get the renderer driver.
eConfigRendererDriver getDriverInUse ()
 Get the renderer driver in use.
Sint32 setVSync (Uint32 bFlag)
 Set the VSync mode.
Uint32 getVSync ()
 Get current VSync mode.
Sint32 setMode (eConfigScreenMode eCSM)
 Set the screen mode.
eConfigScreenMode getMode ()
 Get the screen mode.
Sint32 setSize (Sint32 iWidth, Sint32 iHeight)
 Set the size of the screen.
Sint32 getSize (Sint32 *iWidth, Sint32 *iHeight)
 Get the size of the screen.
Sint32 setLogicalPresentation (Sint32 iWidth, Sint32 iHeight, SDL_RendererLogicalPresentation eSDL_RLP=SDL_LOGICAL_PRESENTATION_DISABLED, SDL_ScaleMode eSDL_SM=SDL_SCALEMODE_NEAREST)
 Set the logical presentation size of the screen.
Sint32 getLogicalPresentation (Sint32 *iWidth=nullptr, Sint32 *iHeight=nullptr, SDL_RendererLogicalPresentation *eSDL_RLP=nullptr, SDL_ScaleMode *eSDL_SM=nullptr)
 Get the logical presentation size of the screen.
Sint32 setPosition (Sint32 iX, Sint32 iY)
 Set the position.
Sint32 getPosition (Sint32 *iX, Sint32 *iY)
 Get the position.
Sint32 setClipRect (SDL_Rect *rClip)
 Set clipping rect.
Sint32 getClipRect (SDL_Rect *rClip)
 Get clipping rect.
Sint32 setTitle (const string &sName)
 Set the title.
Sint32 getTitle (string &sName)
 Get the title.
Sint32 setBorder (Uint32 bFlag)
 Set the border for the screen.
Uint32 getBorder ()
 Get the border for the screen.
SDL_Window * getWindow ()
 Get the SDL_Window associated to this screen.
SDL_Renderer * getRenderer ()
 Get the SDL_Renderer associated to this screen.
SDL_Surface * getSnapshot ()
 Get a SDL_Surface with a screen snapshot.
Sint32 getSnapshot (const string &sFile)
 Save the screen snapshot to an external PNG file.
Sint32 clear (Uint8 iR=0, Uint8 iG=0, Uint8 iB=0, Uint8 iA=255)
 Clear the screen.
Sint32 setRenderCallback (Sint32(*myRenderFunc)(Sint32 iMode, void *pObj), void *pObj=nullptr)
 Set a callback function for rendering your graphics at Render Frame Rate.
Sint32 fadeToColor (Uint8 iR, Uint8 iG, Uint8 iB, Sint32 iTime, SDL_Rect *rDst=nullptr)
 Perform a fade effect of this screen to the given color.
Sint32 fadeToImage (Sint32 idImage, Sint32 iTime, SDL_Rect *rDst=nullptr, SDL_Rect *rSrc=nullptr)
 Perform a fade effect of this screen to the given Image handler.

Detailed Description

Screen Object class.